Reasoning Ability GATE 2020 Study Material Free Download PDF - CivilEnggForAll Exclusive

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  • Series Completion
  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Coding-Decoding 
  • Blood Relations
  • Puzzle Test
  • Direction Sense
  • Logical Venn Diagrams
  • Alphabetical Quibble
  • Number, Ranking & Time Sequence  
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Logical Sequence of Words  
  • Decision Making  

Reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions from  facts. These conclusions must follow inevitably from  the facts from which they are drawn. Reasoning is  not concerned with some conclusion that has a good  chance of being true when facts are true. Indeed,  reasoning as used here refers to logical reasoning,  not of common-sense reasoning or probabilistic  reasoning. The only conclusions that are acceptable  are those that follow logically from the supplied facts.


Reasoning can be classified in two major parts: 

  • Verbal Reasoning 
  • Non-verbal Reasoning


Verbal reasoning tests words, letters and numbers, and require logical reasoning and a reasonable   knowledge of the English Language. It is also  necessary to be familiar with simple manipulations  with figures, like addition, subtractions division and  multiplication. The problems of number in Test of  Reasoning test how logical we are i.e., how well we  reason and think while carrying out simple arithmetic  manipulations



In verbal series, words, letters or digits are given  in a specific sequence/order and we have to find  out next word, letter or digit to complete the given series. 

Numbers or alphabetical letters, are generally  called terms of the series. These terms follow a certain pattern throughout. In the questions we  have to identify last one or two terms to continue  the series or to find a missing term in between  given terms to continue the sequence followed in the question. There is no set pattern and each  question may follow a different pattern or  sequential arrangement of letters or digits, which  have to detect using common sense and reasoning  ability.


Mainly following four types of question are asked.

Alphabet series 

In this series, given alphabets follow a  particular sequence or order. We have to  detect the pattern from the given alphabets  and find missing alphabet or the next alphabet to continue the pattern.

  • There are no set rules. 
  • There can be omission of alphabets in an order. 
  • Alphabets may also be omitted in an increasing/decreasing order, which may be direct increase  or decrease. 
  • There can also be alternate order. 
  • There may also be alternate sequences 
  • There may be several other patterns in the  letter series. 
  • To tackle letter series questions, vary position  of the alphabet and its position number in both  forward and backward sequences. 
  • To continue the series after Z, we again begin with A. In other words, the sequence is kept in  a circular order.
  • In solving these questions pattern of the  alphabet series should be noted.

Some Skipping Patterns

  • Regular Order: Number of alphabets skipped  remains the same.  Example. A, D, G, J,…?  Ans. M 
  • Increasing Order: Each time the number  of alphabets skipped increases in a given  pattern.  Example. A C F J O?  Ans. U  Here, each time number of letters skipped  increases by one. 
  • Decreasing Order: Each time the number  of letters skipped decreases in a given pattern.  Example. A G L P S?  Ans. U  Here number of letters skipped decreases by  one each time, i.e., first 5, then 4, then 3, and  so on. 
  • Interlinked Series: In this two or more different series are attached together. These  different series follow their own different  rules.  Example. A D F J M R?  Ans. V  Here, there are two interlinked series.

Letter Series 

This type of questions usually consists of a series  of small letters which follow a certain pattern. However, some letters are missing from the series.  Then these missing letters are given in a proper  sequence as one of the alternatives.

Example. aaa… b…a…  (a) baa (b) abb (c) bab (d) aab (e) bbb  Ans. (a)


  • First blank space should be filled in by ‘b’, so  that we have two a’s followed by two b’s. 
  • Second blank space should be filled in either by  ‘a’, so that we have four a’s followed by two b’s,  or by ‘b’ so that we have three a’s followed by  three b’s.
  • Last space must be filled in by ‘a’. 
  • Thus, we have two possible answers: ‘baa’ and  ‘bba’.  But, only ‘baa’ appears in the alternatives. So,  the answer is (a). 

Note: In case, we had both the possible answers  in the alternatives, we would have chosen the one  that forms a more prominent pattern, which is  aabb/aaabbbaa. Thus, our answer would have been  “bba”.

Number series

In the number series, some numbers are arranged  in a particular sequence. All the numbers form a  series and change in a certain order. Sometimes,  one or more numbers are wrongly put in the  number series. We are required to observe the  trend in which numbers change in the series and  find out which number/numbers misfit into the  series that number/numbers is odd number of the  series. 

Pure Series

In this type of number series, the number itself  obeys certain order so that the character of the  series can be found out.  Number may be Perfect square; Perfect cube;  Prime and Combination 

Difference Series

In this type of number series, change in order for  the difference between each consecutive number  of the series is found out.  Rat i o Ser i es.  In this type of number series, change in order for  the ratios between each consecutive number of  the series is found out.

Mixed Series 

In this type of number series, numbers obeying  various orders of two or more different types of  series are arranged alternately in a single number series.


  1. Difference between consecutive numbers is  same. 
  2. Differences between consecutive numbers  are in Arithmetic Progression (A.P.). 
  3. Difference between consecutive numbers is  a perfect square.
  4. Differences between consecutive numbers  are multiples of a number. 
  5. Differences between consecutive numbers  are prime numbers. 
  6. Difference between consecutive numbers is  a perfect cube. 
  7. Difference between consecutive numbers are  in Geometric Progression (G.P.) 
  8. Ratio between each consecutive number is  the same. 
  9. Ratio between each consecutive numbers is in Arithmetic Progression (A.P) 
  10. Ratio between consecutive number is perfect  square number. 
  11. Ratio between consecutive number is the  multiple of a number. 
  12. Ratio between consecutive numbers is a  prime number. 
  13. Ratio between consecutive numbers is a  perfect cube number. 
  14. Ratios between consecutive number are in  Geometric Progression (G.P.)

Correspondence Series 

This type of series consists of three sequences  with three different elements (usually capital  letters, digits and small letters). On the basis  of the similarity in positions in the three  sequences, a capital letter is found to  correspond with a unique digit and a unique  small letter, whenever it occurs. We are  required to trace out this correspondence and  accordingly choose the elements to be filled in  at the desired places.


‘Analogy’ means ‘correspondence’ In questions based on analogy, a particular  relationship is given and another similar  relationship has to be identified from the given  alternatives.  Analogy means similarity or some kind of  relationship. Analogy test, therefore tests the  ability to see a relationship between two words  and to recognize a similar relationship between  two other words. It is a test of verbal reasoning  ability rather than vocabulary. The key to analogy  success is being able to express the relationship  between the pair of words.



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