Air Pollution Civil Engineering GATE 2020 Study Material Free Download PDF - CivilEnggForAll Exclusive

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  • Classification of Air Pollution
  • Sources of Air Pollution
  • Effects of Air Pollution
  • Air Pollution Meteorology
  • Inversions
  • Wind Velocity Profiles
  • Stack Plumes
  • Air Pollution Control
  • Composition of Clean and Dry  Atmospheric Air

Air pollution is defined as ‘‘presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants, such as dust,  fumes, gas, mist, odour, smoke or vapour, in quantities, of characteristics, and of duration such as injurious to  human, plant or animal life or to property, or which unreasonably interferes with comfortable enjoyment of  life and property’’. 

  • Aerosol: It is a dispersion of solid or liquid particles of microscopic size in gaseous media, such as smoke, fog  or mist. 
  • Dust: It is a loose term applied to solid particles larger than colloidal particles and capable of temporary  suspension in air or other gases. Dusts do not tend to flocculate except under electrostatic forces; they do not  diffuse but settle under the influence of gravity. (Size: 1 – 200 μm) 
  • Droplet: It is a small liquid particle of such size and density as to fall under still conditions but which may  remain suspended under turbulent conditions. 
  • Fly-ash: It is finely divided particles of ash entrained in fuel gases arising from the combustion of fuel. The  term is generally applied to the gas-borne ash from boilers using pulverised fuel (coal) firing. 
  • Fog: It is a loose term applied to liquid dispersed aerosols in air by condensation. 
  • Fume: It is solid particles generated by condensation from the gaseous state, generally after  volatilization from melted substances, and often accompanied by a chemical reaction such as oxidation. (Size:  0.1 to 1μm) 
  • Mist: It is a loose term applied to dispersions of liquid particles in atmosphere, the dispersion large size.  (Size: 5– 100μm) 
  • Particle: It is a small discrete mass of solid or liquid matter. 
  • Smoke: It is finely divided aerosol particles resulting from incomplete combustion. It consists mainly of  carbon and other combustible material. (Size: 0.01 to 1μm) 
  • Soot: It is collection of particles of carbon impregnated with ‘tar’ formed in the incomplete combustion of  carbonaceous material. 
  • Vapour: It is the gaseous form of matter which normally exists in a liquid or solid state.




Air pollution exists in three distinct categories 

  1. Personal air pollution – This refers to exposure of an individual to dust, fumes and gases.  e.g. person indulges in cigarette, cigar or pipe smoking. 
  2. Occupational air pollution – This represents the type of exposure of individuals to potentially harmful concentration of aerosols, vapours  and gases in their working environment. 
  3. Community air pollution – This represents most complex of the three varieties since it involves pollution from a variety of sources and  contaminants and factors which cause adverse social, economic and health effects. Not only does community  air pollution affect many individuals, but it can also exert a significant impact on man’s total environment  including plants, animals, property and the weather itself.


There are two main sources of air pollution 

1. Natural air pollution sources 

Atmosphere is polluted due to following natural causes: 

  • Wind-blown dust 
  • Smoke, fly-ash, gases from forest fires 
  • Micro-organisms 
  • Gases and odours from swamps and marshes 
  • Fog 
  • Volcanic ash and gases 

Pollutants from various natural sources 

  • Pollutant natural sources 
  • SO2 Volcanoes 
  • H2S Volcanoes, biological action in swamp areas 
  • CO Forest fires, ocean 
  • NO-NO2 Bacterial action in soil 
  • NH3 Biological decay 
  • Hydrocarbons 
  • (CH4, etc.) Biological processes 
  • CO2 Biological decay, release from oceans 
  • O3 Oxygen and ozone in stratosphere and their downward transport

2. Man-Made Air Pollution sources

Man-made Air Pollutions


1. Effect on Vegetation – Vegetation exposed to atmosphere containing heavy amounts of sulphur dioxide is severely damaged. It is also affected by ozone and nitrogen dioxide.

2. Effect on Human beings and Animals – People suffer from respiratory diseases when exposed to atmosphere in which concentration of the sulphur  dioxide is in excess of safe limits, and their visibility is affected when exposed to higher temperature. The  death rate of people suffering with cardiac or pulmonary diseases, when exposed to atmosphere contaminated  with sulphur dioxide, is found to be higher.  Due to incomplete combustion of fuels from petrol engines, industrial operations, etc., carbon monoxide is  liberated.

When air containing CO is inhaled, CO combines with the haemoglobin of the blood, depriving the  tissues of oxygen. It has been found that when carbonyl haemoglobin saturation level of blood is about 20%,  it harms heart and also impairs tissues restricting the oxygen. When in excess of 10%, it is found to cause  headaches.  When nitrogen dioxide level in the air is above tolerable limits, respiratory illness among children has been  observed.  When oxygen content in the air is above 500 mg/m3 and photochemical action is high, people have been  found to have asthmatic attacks. Irritation of throat, nose or eyes are some other minor problems experienced  in these conditions.  In general, air pollution decreases visibility. It is also found that it makes the town or city more cloudy,  more foggy and is subjected to more acid rains.

3. Effect on Materials – Air pollutants affect materials in the following ways and cause economic losses 

  • Abrasion
  • Deposition of materials
  • Direct chemical attack 
  • Indirect chemical attack
  • Corrosion

Effects of Air pollution on materials




Atmospheric conditions can have profound effects on pollution and its harmfulness, and air pollution meteorology  is concerned with the description of the transport of pollutants from sources to receptors.  Pollutants emitted into the atmosphere are subject to following four types of effects: 

  • Transport
  • Dilution 
  • Modification 
  • Removal

Temperature and Pressure Relationship in the Lower Atmosphere 

Change of temperature with altitude has great influence on the motion of air pollutants.  e.g., very stable atmospheric conditions result in only limited vertical mixing. 

Stability Conditions 

Value of the lapse rate in the lower portion of the troposphere has a profound influence on the vertical motion  of the air. Good vertical mixing minimizes immediate ground-level effects of air pollutants, since contaminants  may be quickly diluted through their dispersal into higher regions. If air does not vigorously mix upwards,  pollutants which are released at low levels tend to remain there. Stable atmosphere is defined as the one which  does not exhibit much vertical mixing or motion.  Degree of mixing is primarily dependent upon following 

  • Temperature gradient 
  • Mechanical turbulence 

The possibility of thermal mixing can be determined by comparison of actual (environmental) temperature  gradient or lapse rate to adiabatic lapse rate.  Internal energy decreases thereby decreasing temperature. Upon reaching new height, if temperature of the  air particle is same as the temperature of the environment, then environmental lapse rate is exactly same as adiabatic lapse rate. In other words, air particle will have same pressure, temperature and density of the  surroundings and would see no buoyant force. Such type of atmosphere with an adiabatic lapse rate is called  neutrally stable.

In this, a displaced mass of air neither tends to return to its original position nor tends to continue its displacement.  Now consider that atmosphere temperature decreases less rapidly than the adiabatic lapse rate. Air particle  follows a temperature change given by the adiabatic slope, but when it arrives at new height it is at a lower  temperature than the surrounding air whose temperature lies along the environmental temperature gradient  line. This small parcel of air is thus more dense (since it is at the same pressure) than the surroundings and  tends to fall back to its original position. Such an atmospheric condition is called stable .Under these conditions  there is very little movement of air from one altitude to another so any pollutants will only slowly disperse.  With no vertical mixing, pollution concentrations can build very rapidly. This stable atmospheric condition is  also called sub-adiabatic condition where environmental lapse rate is less than dry adiabatic lapse rate. Thus  any sub-adiabatic atmosphere is stable. The extreme case, called ‘Inversion’ occurs when temperature increases  with altitude, forming a very stable atmosphere. 

When environmental lapse rate is greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate, then atmosphere is called  super-adiabatic (i.e., actual temperature gradient is more negative than the dry adiabatic temperature gradient).  Super-adiabatic atmosphere is unstable.  Here air from one altitude eagerly mixes with the air from other altitudes. This is very desirable from the point  of pollution, since pollutants will be rapidly dispersed throughout the atmosphere.




Inversion layers play an important role in influencing dispersion of air pollutants by restricting vertical mixing,  can be formed in many ways. 

Subsidence Inversion 

Formation of subsidence inversion by compressional heating of air above an unstable layer

In this air is warmed by compression as it descends in a high pressure  system such as a subtropical anticyclone. As it descends, air achieves  a temperature higher than that of the air underneath. Thus subsiding  air establishes a temperature inversion with respect to the low-laying  air. This condition and temperature profile for a so-called elevated  subsidence inversion. Subsidence is caused by air flowing down to replace air which has flown out of the high pressure region

Radiational Inversion 

Radiational Inversion

Height  Subsidence inversion  Radiation inversion  Temperature  It occurs wherever, surface of the earth can become cooler during the  night by the thermal radiation of energy. As a result of a decrease in  temperature of the ground, lower atmosphere in contact with it loses sensible heat through conduction, conversion, and radiation.  Consequently a temperature inversion is setup between cool low-level air and the warmer air above. This type of inversion is most pronounced during late night are evident early in and early morning  hours and is sometimes called nocturnal inversion. Effects of stable  low-level air the day when smoke from chimneys and small fires is confined close to the ground; or if a wind  is present, the smoke may form a pattern of narrow horizontal streaks as it disappears downwind. Nocturnal  inversions are possible because surface of the earth can cool quickly. As the Sun warms earth during the day,  inversion disappears. Pollutants may accumulate during the night beneath a very stable atmospheric level a  few hundred meters high and then suddenly carried down to the ground in the morning when surface begins  to warm and thermal convection leads to mixing of the air. This sudden increase in low-level pollution in the  morning is called fumigation. Radiation inversion can occur near surface of the earth at the same time that  a subsidence inversion exists at a higher altitude. 

Advective Inversion

Advective Inversion

It occurs when warm air moves over a cold surface.  Convective cooling of the lowest layer of air then leads to  formation of a ground-based inversion. It also occurs when  warm air is forced to move over top of a cooler layer.  Here a hill range forces a warm land breeze to flow only at high levels, whereas a cool sea flows at low levels  in the opposite direction.  Note: Although an inversion is stable against air motion in the vertical direction, it does not discourage  horizontal motion. Strong winds may be encountered within an inversion.

Classification of Stack Plumes

Plume behaviours under various conditions of stability
  1. Looping Plume. It occurs during unstable condition of a light wind on a hot summer afternoon, when  large-scale thermal eddies carry portions of the plume to the ground level for short time periods. Plume  touching the ground will yield a high pollutant concentration during that period. Looping plume indicates  a super adiabatic lapse rate in the atmosphere. 
  2. Coning Plume. It occurs when plume is dispersed by the wind under essentially neutral atmospheric  stability. Since thermal heating effect is much lower than in the case of looping plumes, coning occurs  under cloudy skies either the day or night. Here major part of the pollutant concentration is carried fairly  far downwind before reaching ground level in significant amounts. 
  3. Fanning Plume. It occurs when plume is dispersed under strong atmospheric inversions, during the  evening, night or early morning. Atmosphere is extremely stable, and mechanical turbulence is suppressed.  If density of the plume is not significantly different from that of the surrounding atmosphere, the plume  travels downwind at approximately constant elevation. Little pollutant effluent reaches the ground. 
  4. Fumigation Plume. It occurs when a stable layer of air lies a short distance above the release point of  the plume and an unstable air layer lies below the plume. This condition usually arises when an inversion  is breaking up in early morning when the sun comes up, i.e., when turbulent layer rising from the heated  ground reaches a fanning plume (which has been emitted into and trapped at effective stack height in the  inversion the night before), large concentrations of stack gas will be carried downwind to the surface.  Fumigation is favoured by clear skies and light winds, and is more prevalent in the summer. 
  5. Die lofting Plume. Conditions for these are inverse of these for the fumigation plume. It occurs when  stack exhausts above an inversion, or when the plume buoyancy carries a stack emission through an  inversion layer into an unstable layer above. Plume disperses above the inversion, since top of the  inversion layer acts as a barrier that prevents all gaseous and small particle emissions from reaching the  ground. This type of plume is major goals of tall-stack operation of electric-utility and industrial plants.
  6. Trapped Plume. It occurs when pollutant is emitted into an unstable layer of air trapped between  inversions both below and above stack height. Diffusion of pollutants is severely restricted to the layer  between two stable regions.



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