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Irrigation Civil Engineering GATE 2020 Study Material Free Download PDF - CivilEnggForAll Exclusive



  • Classification of Water Present in Soil
  • Duty
  • Delta
  • Base Period
  • Crop Period
  • Factors Affecting Duty
  • Water Requirement of Crops
  • Consumptive Use of Water (Evapo-Transpiration)
  • Inflow and Outflow Studies for Large Area
  • Irrigation Efficiency
  • Principle Crops
  • Determination of Irrigation  Requirement of Crops
  • Design of Channels
  • Diversion Head Works
  • Canal Fall
  • Spillways
  • Design of Weirs and Barrages
  • Safety of Hydraulic Structures
  • Khosla’s Theory and Concept of Flow Nets
  • Irrigation Methods  
  • Surface Irrigation
  • Sub-Surface Irrigation
  • Sprinkler Irrigation
  • Water Logging and Drainage
  • Land Drainage
  • Drainage Area
  • Size of Tile Drains

Irrigation may be defined as the process of supplying water to soil for rising crops, or is generally  defined as the application of water to soil for supplying the moisture essential for plant growth. 

Types of Irrigation 

1. Surface irrigation  2. Subsurface irrigation 

Surface irrigation can be further classified into 

(a) Flow irrigation: In this types of irrigation, the supply of irrigation water available is at such a level that  it is conveyed on to land by gravity flow. 

(b) Lift irrigation: In this type of irrigation, the water is lifted up by mechanical means. Irrigation from  well water is a example.  Flow irrigation is divided in two types: 

  • Perennial system: In this constant & continuous water supply is done to crops as per requirement  during crop-period.  When perennial system of irrigation is carried out by canal system, it is called ‘Direct Irrigation’.  When perennial system of irrigation is carried out by storage reservoirs, it is called ‘Storage irrigation’. 
  • Flood irrigation: In this soil is kept submerged & flooded with water. Moisture sealed with occasional supplement of natural rainfall brings crops to maturity. 

2. Sub surface irrigation: It is divided in two types. 

  • Natural sub irrigation: Water leaked from channels causes rise of water table, which in turn provides  water to crops through capillarity is termed as natural sub irrigation. 
  • Artificial sub irrigation: When a system of open jointed drains is artificially laid below soil, so as to  supply water to crops by capillarity, then it is known as Artificial sub surface irrigation.


Classification of Water present in soil
  1. Hygroscopic Water – When an oven dried sample is kept open in the atmosphere, it  absorbs some amount of water from the atmosphere. This is  called hygroscopic water, and is not capable of movement by the  action of gravity or capillary forces. 
  2. Capillary Water – This is the part in excess of the hygroscopic water which exists  in the pore spaces of the soil by molecular attraction 
  3. Gravitational Water – This is that part in excess of hygroscopic and capillary water which will move out of the soil if favourable  drainage is provided.



SATURATION CAPACITY (or Maximum holding capacity/Total capacity) 

It is the amount of water required to fill all the pore spaces between soil particles by replacing all air held in pore  spaces.  It is the upper limit of possible moisture content when porosity of soil is known, the saturation capacity can be  expressed as equivalent cm of water per meter of soil depth.

  • DUTY (D) – Irrigation capacity of a unit of water, or it is the area irrigated in hectares by 1cumec of discharge flowing  throughout the base period {hect/cumec}. 
  • DELTA (Δ) – It is the total depth of water required by a crop during the entire period, the crop is in the field {cm or m}
  • BASE PERIOD (B) – It is the time interval in days between first watering given prior to sowing and the last watering before harvesting  (days). 
  • CROP PERIOD – It is the time interval between sowing and harvesting of crop (days).


1. Method and System of Irrigation 

  • Perennial or Permanent system -> high duty 
  • Inundation system ->low duty as wasteful use of water. 
  • Flow system ->low duty as conveyance losses are high. 
  • Lift irrigation ->high duty as commended area of each well is very near to it. 

2. Mode of Applying Water 

Flood irrigation ->less duty than furrow system 

Sub-irrigation ->higher duty. 

Basin irrigation and Uncontrolled flooding -> low duty. 

3. Method of cultivation – Land is made loose by ploughing ->more duty 

4. Time and Frequency of tilling – When soil is in good filth (structure), evaporation losses are less, soil becomes properly aerated ->duty is high. 

5. Type of crop 

6. Base Period of crop  It’s base period is high, duty is low and vice versa. 

7. Climatic condition of the area 

  • Temperature->high temperature ->low duty 
  • Wind ->high wind ->low duty 
  • Humidity ->high humidity ->high duty 
  • Rainfall ->increase duty 

8. Quality of Water 

(i) Harmful salt and alkali content decrease duty 

(ii) Fertilizing matter in water increase duty. 

9. Method of Assessment 

  • Volumetric method ->more duty (economical use of water) 
  • Crop rate or area basis ->less duty (more water to be used) 

10. Canal Condition 

  • Earthern canal ->low duty due to more seepage and percolation losses. 
  • Lined canal ->high duty due to less losses 
  • If canal is so aligned that irrigated areas are concentrated along it ->duty will be higher and vice versa. 

11. Character of soil and Sub soil of the canal 

  • Coarse grained permeable soil -> less duty as more seepage and percolation. 
  • Fined grained soil -> losses are less, so high duty. 

12. Character of soil and sub soil of the irrigation field 

  • Coarse grained – percolation losses are high, so less duty. 
  • Topography: it also affects the duty.

Methods of Improving Duty 

  • Suitable method of applying water to the crop should be used. 
  • Land should be properly ploughed and levelled before sowing the crop. It should be given good filth  (structure) 
  • The land should be cultivated frequently since frequent cultivation reduces loss of moisture, specially  when the ground water is within capillary reach of ground surface. 
  • Canal should be lined. This reduces seepage, percolation losses and evaporation losses also. 
  • Parallel canal should be constructed so that F.S.L. will be lowered and thus losses will also be reduced. 
  • Idle length of canal should be reduced. 
  • Alignment of the canal either in sandy soil or in fissured rock should be avoided. 
  • Canal should be so aligned that the areas to be cultivated are concentrated along it. 
  • Source of water should be such that it gives good quality of water. 
  • Rotation of crops must be practiced. 
  • Volumetric method of assessment should be used. 
  • Farmers must be trained in the proper use of water so that they apply correct quality of water at correct  timing. 
  • The land should be redistributed to the farmers so that they get only as much land as they are capable of  managing it. 
  • Research stations should be established to study the soil, the seed and conservation of moisture. 
  • Canal staff should be efficient, responsible and honest.



Factors Affecting Irrigation Efficiency 

  • Irregular land surface. 
  • Shallow soils underlain by gravels of light permeability. 
  • Either very small or excessively large irrigation stream. 
  • Non-attendance of water during irrigation 
  • Long irrigation runs. 
  • Wrong irrigation methods. 
  • Improper preparation of land. 
  • Compact impervious soil. 
  • Steep slopes of land surface
  • Excessive single application


Principle Crops
  • Kharif Crops: These are sown by the beginning of south west monsoon and are harvested in autumn. 
  • Rabi crops: These are sown in autumn and are harvested in springs 
  • Wet crop: These requires water for irrigation. 
  • Dry crops: These does not require water for irrigation 
  • Garden crops: These requires irrigation throughout the year.

Lacey’s Theory

On the basis of his research work, Lacey found many drawbacks in Kennedy’s Theory and put forward his new  theory. 

Lacey’s Regime Channels 

Lacey’s Regime Channel

According to him, a channel which is under ‘initial regime’ is not a channel in regime (though outwardly it  appears to be in regime as there is not silting or scouring) and hence, regime theory is not applicable to them.  His theory is applicable only to channels which are in ‘true regime’ or ‘final regime’. 

1. Initial regime – When only bed slope of a channel varies and its cross-section or wetted perimeter remains unaffected, even  then channel can exhibit no silting no scouring properties, called initial regime. When water flows through  an excavated channel with some what narrower dimensions and defective slopes, then silt carried by the  water gets dropped in the upper reaches, thereby increasing channel bed slope. Consequently, velocity is  increases and a non-silting equilibrium is established, called initial regime. Sides of such channels are  subjected to a lateral restraint and could have scoured if bank soil would have been a true alluvium. But in  practice, they may either get grassed or be of clayey soil and, therefore, they may not get eroded at all.  Hence, such channels will exhibit ‘non-silting non scouring’ properties, and they will appear to be in regime,  but in fact they are not. They have achieved only a working stability due to rigidity of their banks. Their  slopes and velocities are higher and cross-sections narrower than what would have been if the sides were  not rigid. Such channels are called channels in initial regime and regime theory is not applicable to them as  they are infact, not the channels in alluvium. 

2. Final regime – Channel shape  carrying medium size silt Channel shape  carrying fine silt  Channel shape  carrying coarse silt  If there is no resistance from the sides and all the variables such  as perimeter, depth, slope, etc are equally free to vary and finally  get adjusted according to discharge and silt grade, then the  channel is said to have achieved permanent stability called final  regime. Regime theory is applicable to such channels only, and not to all regime channels (including initial regime) as  was envisaged by Kennedy.  Such a channel in which all variables are equally free to vary, has a tendency to assume a semi-elliptical  section. The coarser the silt, flatter is the semi-ellipse, i.e. greater is width of the water surface. The finer the  silt, the more nearly the section attains a semicircle.

3. True Regime – A channel shall be in regime, if there is neither silting nor scouring. For this condition to be satisfied, the silt  load entering the channel must be carried through by the channel section. Again, since there is only one channel  section and one bed slope at which the channel carrying a given discharge will carry a particular type of silt.  Hence, an artificially constructed channel having a certain fixed section and a certain fixed slope can behave in  regime only if following conditions are satisfied: 

  • Discharge is constant. 
  • Flow is uniform. 
  • Silt grade and silt charge is constant, i.e. amount and type of silt is the same. 
  • Channel is flowing throughout a material which can be scoured as easily as it can be deposited (such soil is  called incoherent alluvium and is of the same type as is transported. 

In practice, all these conditions can never be satisfied, and therefore artificial channels can never be in ‘true  regime’, they can either be in initial regime or final regime.


The works, which are constructed at the head of the canal, in order to divert the river water towards the canal,  so as to ensure a regulated continuous supply of silt-free water with a certain minimum head into the canal, are  called diversion head works.

Diversion Head Works

Diversion Weir and Barrage 

If major part or entire ponding of water is achieved by a raised crest and a smaller part or nil part of it is  achieved by the shutter, then this barrier is called weir. If most of the ponding is done by gates and a smaller  or nil part of it is done by the raised crest, then this barrier is called barrage or river regulator.  Barrage gives less afflux and a better control upon the river flow because inflow and outflow can be controlled  to a much greater extent by a suitable manipulation of its gates.  Diversion weir is a raised pucca structure with or without shutters and laid across the river width.  Entire length of the weir is divided into a number of bays by means of divide piers so as to avoid cross-flow  in floods.



Types of Weirs 

(i) Masonry weir with Vertical drop: Particularly suitable for hard clay and consolidated gravel foundation.  However, this type of weir is obsolete.

Masonry Weir with Vertical Drop

(ii) Rock-fill weirs with Sloping aprons: It is the simplest type of construction and is suitable for fine  sandy foundations like those in alluvial areas in North India. However with the development of concrete  glacis weirs, the above type also becomes obsolete.

Rockfill weir with sloping aprons

(iii) Modern Concrete Weirs with Sloping downstream glacis: Weir of this type are of recent origin and their design is based on modern concepts of sub-surface flow (i.e.  Khosla’s theory). The hydraulic jump is formed on the downstream sloping glacis, so as to dissipate the  energy of the flowing water.  This type of weirs are exclusively used, especially on permeable foundations, and are generally provided  with a low crest and counter-balanced gates, thus, making it a barrage.

Modern Concrete Weirs with downstream glacis

Afflux  Rise in the maximum flood level (HFL) upstream of the weir, caused due to construction of the weir across the  river, is called afflux.  Pond level  Water-level required in the under-sluice pocket upstream of the canal head regulator, so as to feed the canal  with the full supply, is called pond level.  Since weir crest is raised upto the pond level, a minimum water level equal to pond level is always maintained  in the undersluice pocket, so as to ensure a continuous supply of water into the canal with its full supply level.  Thus available head at the canal head regulator is equal to differ ence of the pond level and canal  FSL.

Pond level 

Water-level required in the under-sluice pocket upstream of the canal head regulator, so as to feed the canal  with the full supply, is called pond level.  Since weir crest is raised upto the pond level, a minimum water level equal to pond level is always maintained  in the undersluice pocket, so as to ensure a continuous supply of water into the canal with its full supply level.  Thus available head at the canal head regulator is equal to difference of the pond level and canal  FSL.

Under -Sluices or Scouring Sluices 

These maintain a deep channel in front of the head regulator and dispose off heavy silt and a part flood  discharge on the downstream side of the barrage. 


  • Preserve a clear and defined river channel approaching the regulator. 
  • Control the silt entry into the canal. 
  • Scour the silt deposited in the river bed above the approach channel. 
  • Pass the low floods without dropping the shutter of the main weir. 
  • Provide greater water-way for floods, thus lowering the flood levels. 

Design consideration 

Silt of the under-sluice pocket is kept at or slightly above the deepest river bed and about 0.9 to 1.8 metres  below silt of the canal head regulator. 

Divide Wall or Groyne 

Divide wall is a masonry or concrete wall constructed at right angle to the axis of the weir, and separates the  weir proper from ‘under-sluices’. Divide wall extends on the upstream side beyond the beginning of the canal  head regulator, and on the downstream side, it extends up to the end of loose protection of the under-sluices. 


  • It separates ‘under-sluice’ from the weir proper, since crest level of the under-sluices is lower than that of  the weir proper, the two must be separated, and this is being done by the divide wall. 
  • It helps in providing a comparatively less turbulent pocket near the canal head regulator, resulting in  deposition of silt in this pocket and, thus, help in entry of silt free water into the canal. 

River Training Works 

These are required near the weir site in order to ensure a smooth and a axial flow of water, and thus, to  prevent the river from outflanking.  River training works required on a Canal Headworks: 

  • Guide Banks: It forces the river into a restricted channel 
  • Marginal Bunds: These are provided on the upstream side of the works in order to protect the area from  submergence due to rise in HFL. These are nothing but earthen embankment, protected by groynes,  wherever needed. 
  • Spurs or Groynes 



Fish Ladder 

A structure which enables the fish to pass upstream is called fish ladder. It is a device by which flow energy can  be dissipated in such a manner as to provide smooth flow at sufficiently low velocity, not exceeding 3 to 3.5 m/s.  This object is generally accomplished by providing a narrow opening adjacent to the divide wall and provide  suitable baffles or staggering device in it, so as to control the flow velocity. 

Canal Head Regulator (CHR) or Head Sluices 

This is provided at the head of the off-taking canal. A head regulator may consist of a number of spans  separated by piers and operated by gates similar to that provided in a barrage.

Canal Head Regulator


  • It regulates supply of water entering the canal. 
  • It controls entry of silt in the canal. 
  • It prevents river floods from entering the canal. 

Water from the under-sluice pocket is made to enter the regulator bays, so as to pass full supply discharge  into the canal. Maximum height of these gated openings called head sluice will be equal to the difference of  pond level and crest level of the regulator. The entry of silt into the canal is controlled by keeping crest of the  head regulator by about 1.2 to 1.5 m higher than crest of the under-sluice.

Types of Regulations 

There are two methods of regulation adopted at a head regulator to control entry of silt into the canal. 

(i) Still Pond Regulation: In this method, the pocket sluices are entirely closed and canal draws water  from the still pond in the pocket. The water in excess of the canal requirement is thus not allowed to  escape under the sluice gates. Velocity of water in the pocket is very much reduced on account of excessive  water way since only supply required for the canal enters the pocket. Thus silt is deposited in the pocket  and clear water enters the canal. When silt deposited has a level about ½ to 1m below the crest level of  the regulator, supply in the canal is shut off for about 24 hours and sluice gates are opened to scour  deposited silt and discharge it downstream. The process is repeated. 

(ii) Open Flow Regulation: In this system, under sluices may be kept open so that river supply in excess  of the canal requirements is escaped. Top water passes into the canal while bottom water maintains a  certain velocity in the pocket to keep the silt to remain in suspension. The advantage of this system is  that the canal is not to be closed for scouring the silt.



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